Bolo est le cheval de coeur de Marion. Grand, puissant, gentil, un trotteur au grand galop, amical avec tous ceux qui veulent bien lui donner de l'attention, beaucoup de câlins, lui faire confiance et un bon repas ensuite. Car il est jalousement gourmand de tout.
Bolo était le bébé de Marion : jeune trotteur sorti du monde peu tendre des courses, c'est elle qui lui a appris une toute autre dimension de la vie y compris sous la selle et en pleine nature.
Bolo vit tantôt en Forêt Domaniale pour y servir de cheval de patrouille et sécurité forestière, tantôt avec le troupeau de la Forêt aux Chevaux à Louley pour là aussi faire son travail avec les cavaliers de l'ONF dans la Réserve Nationale des Dunes et Marais de Hourtin. Visiblement il aime son travail car il aime sortir.
Aux visiteurs de la Forêt aux Chevaux, le grand Bolo, quand il n'est pas de service ailleurs, prête volontiers sa gentillesse pour des promenades à la découverte de la nature.
Bolo is Marion's heart horse. He is tall, strong, tender, a trotter who likes to galop. He is friendly with all those who give him attention, stroke him, have confidence in him and take him out for a ride, and finally give him good food. Not to forget : he's a bit of a jealous guy ...
Bolo was Marion's baby. When he came into her life, he was a young trotter and to be chosen by her gave him the chance to escape the harsh life of a racehorse. She made him discover another dimension of living, being cherished and finding pleasure under the saddle roaming through the forests.
Bolo lives partly in the state forest as patrol horse for the forest security services, and part of the time with the horseforest herd in Louley to be near to his work as service horse in the National Reserve of the Dunes and Marshes of Hourtin. He apparently loves his work because he loves forest rides.
When he is not doing work in the forest, he readily lends his strengths and tenderness to visitors of the horse forest and make them discover the forest.
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